
Multidimensional arrays, Linear-algebra

Multidimensional arrays, Linear-algebra

Multidimensional arrays are the basic block of scientific computing, it goes beyond the 2D or 3D vectors and matrices. Notable non-Nim implementations include Fortran, Julia, Matlab and Numpy.

Status: in-progress


Arraymancer supports dense multidimensional arrays of any type, on CPU (integers, floats, complex), Cuda and OpenCL (float only) and uses BLAS, CuBLAS and Clblast under the hood.




Neo supports dense and sparse float vectors and matrices, on CPU and Cuda (Nvidia GPUs) and also uses BLAS and LAPACK under the hood.


NimTorch supports most PyTorch features regarding multidimensional arrays, on CPU, Cuda, OpenCL and AMD ROCm provided you compiled PyTorch’s Aten backend with the relevant features.

Last modified January 1, 0001